10 Things to Do in Porto, Portugal (2024)

Things to Do in Porto

Things to Do in Porto – Visiting Porto, known as the capital of the north, thanks to its cultural , artistic and historical heritage offers every traveler experiences to do and numerous things to see. Among its very tall bell towers, medieval buildings and a landscape overlooking the hills, the colorful houses in azulejos style cannot fail to fascinate, giving us the impression of being in a fairy tale.

Among the oldest cities in all of Europe, stroll through the labyrinthine streets exploring the squares, walking up and down and letting yourself be enchanted by its atmosphere. Let’s discover together in this guide the things to do in Porto, thus making your trip to Portugal unique .

Porto, Why visit it?

The city of Porto for its beauty and history is also known as A capital do norte of Portugal. Overlooking the northwest coast of the country, it is popular above all for the production of the world-famous wine of the same name, produced in the Douro Valley , but also for the large bridges that cross the river. Northern hub of the country is one of its most populous cities , despite being much smaller than Lisbon.

In addition, Porto is also known as the Invincible City , thanks to its military strength that managed to repel Napoleonic and Moorish attacks. Visiting this Portuguese city allows us to explore the Ribeira district , which still retains its medieval soul while walking through the labyrinthine cobbled streets.

Passing through old cafes , historic homes of artisans and merchants, but also the baroque church of São Francisco with its wonderful interiors with golden decorations and the Palácio de Bolsa, an old stock exchange market built with the intention of astonishing; an effect that it manages to achieve perfectly! Its historic center, built during the Roman domination, has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Porto is a treasure chest that contains architectural wonders, such as the Avenue of the Allies , the gardens of the Palacio de Cristal and incredible azulejo tiles everywhere , like those that we can see inside the São Bento station . In short, visiting Porto is an experience for the eyes, the mind and the heart.

10 Things to Do in Porto, Portugal

After having seen its history in brief, let’s discover the city together and the 10 things to do in porto.

Below, you will find the map of the city where the attractions not to be missed in Porto during your trip to Portugal are indicated. Later, we will discover them in detail in our guide things to do in porto.

1. Porto Cathedral

Porto Cathedral (Porto)

Known as the  , built in the 12th century along with the walls of Porto, it is a must-see during your visit. Its interior still recalls many elements of its original construction as a fortress , as can be seen from the external towers and the façade with buttresses . The cathedral is located in the Batalha area , near the walls. The central rose window and the portal, however, date back to the 18th century . The main altar inside has a beautiful altarpiece , made in Baroque style , as does the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament , where we can admire a refined work of the goldsmiths of Porto from the 17th century .

To the south of the cathedral we find the cloister built in Gothic style and with 18th century decorations of azulejos type . The Episcopal Palace , from the 12th century, is also part of the building complex; an important historical testimony of the city. The majestic columns inside support the high central nave and, apart from the chapel and the main altar, the environment is almost bare and sober. This building is a National Monument and one of the main things to do in porto. In addition, the square where it is located was once used for executions . Today, however, it offers one of the best views of the river and the Douro valley, where Port wine is produced.

2. Church of Sao Francisco

The church of Sao Francisco was built in 1245 by the Franciscans on the ruins of an old cloister , renovating a building that had been partially destroyed. Built during the Romanesque period , it was later modified following the Gothic model and later adding wonderful Baroque decorations . The internal structure of the church has three naves , completely covered in gold and made with over 300 kg of gold dust . In the past, this too flashy appearance caused it to be closed, as it did not represent the dogmas of a place of worship.

The Tree of Jesse is one of the most important decorations that we can admire inside this church if you do not know what to visit in Porto. A wooden sculpture among the most beautiful in the world regarding this motif, very present in Christian art. Under the structure there are catacombs where the nobles of Porto were buried, but also some Franciscan priests. In addition, these catacombs preserve an incredible ossuary , where thousands of human bone elements are found; even under the floor. This building is among the most important monuments of the city and near it we can also visit the magnificent Palácio da Bolsa .

3. Ribeira

Ribeira (Porto)

The ancient heart of the city of Porto, this neighborhood is one of the most characteristic and preserves the greatest number of attractions. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996 , a walk here will allow us to observe wonderful cobblestone streets, winding between white ancient buildings and climbing steeply along the hill to observe a wonderful view overlooking the Douro. To best visit its ups and downs, remember to wear comfortable shoes. Among the most important attractions that we can see here is the 385 m long Dom Luis I Bridge , one of the six most important in the city. Also in this neighborhood we find the Cathedral and art lovers cannot miss the Museu da Misericordia .

This museum is also a church , which houses the Benefactors’ Gallery , combining ancient architecture with an avant-garde structure . Inside, a collection of ecclesiastical art from the 15th to 17th centuries is preserved. Among the most important monuments in this neighborhood is the Palacio da Bolsa , which has been the Porto stock exchange since 1841. Today, it houses various associations of artisans and merchants , as well as being a cultural center . Near the Stock Exchange is also the church of San Francisco , with its wonderful catacombs and baroque interior. In addition to its wonderful historic buildings, from the docks of Ribeira you can also take a cruise on the Douro , without forgetting to visit the station .

4. Stock Exchange Palace

Among the things to do in Porto we suggest a visit to the Palácio da Bolsa. This neoclassical building built in the 19th century was the headquarters of the city’s merchants and their associations, representing an important piece in the city’s history. By order of Maria II it became the Bolsa do Comércio in 1841. Inside this National Monument we can also admire the Courtyard of the Nations , made with a glass roof, making the interior of the palace very bright. Walking up the majestic marble and granite staircase we reach the various rooms, such as the rich Golden Hall , and the General Assemblies Hall , where the main element is wood.

But the real jewel of this building is the Arab Hall : 300 m2 reflecting the Moorish style , taking inspiration from the Alhambra . The entire palace was designed by the architect Joaquim da Costa Lima, reflecting the Palladian style , which we can also see in the Academia da Marinha . Today, cultural events are held inside and it is possible to see it thanks to a guided tour , to discover its spaces in the best way.

5. Clérigos Tower

Clérigos Tower (Porto)

Located in the monumental complex of the Igreja dos Clérigos dating back to the 18th century and built by the Italian Nasoni , the Torre dos Clérigos is among the main attractions to see in Porto. This church with a baroque façade has a marble and granite interior with splendid decorations, while the main chapel preserves an altarpiece by Manuel Porto. But the main element of the structure and symbol of the city is undoubtedly its granite tower that rises on the lateral body of the church. With a height of 75 m , the tower is divided into various areas, closing with a baroque crown . In addition, in 1917 it was the scene of a climb by famous acrobats, the Puertullanos , thus becoming world famous.

To visit the tower we climb the 225 steps of its internal staircase, reaching a truly unique panorama overlooking Porto. The structure, built in the 18th century by the order of the Poor Clerics, is located in the Ribera district , where in the past there was the Hanged Man’s Hill : an ancient cemetery for the executed . This is also the tallest tower in the whole country and contains almost 50 bells inside, so the noise we will hear when they suddenly ring all at once will be very loud!

6. Dom Luis I Bridge

6. Dom Luis I Bridge (Porto)

As mentioned above, the city of Porto is famous above all for its important and enormous bridges that cross the Douro River . Among those that we absolutely recommend you see is the Dom Luís I bridge. Built in iron and with an arch of over 385 m , it rises over the watercourse with a height of about 85 m , offering a majestic spectacle. Crossing this bridge, it will also be possible to reach the Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar , after a climb of about 300 m . Although the route is tiring, once you reach this point you will be able to enjoy one of the highest views of the city. Originally, the bridge was built to be crossed by cars, winding on two different levels but, since 2003 , the upper part is intended only for trains and pedestrians .

Like the historic center of the city of Porto, this bridge has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. In addition, the bridge was built to connect the city to Vila Nova de Gaia , a municipality famous for its Port wine cellars . Crossing it on foot, especially during sunset, you can admire one of the most romantic and suggestive views, also ideal for taking unique photos of the Clérigos Tower .

7. Avenida dos Aliados

Avenida dos Aliados is one of the most important and must-see streets in Porto. With a length of 250 m , it connects the modern part of the city with its old historical center . This place is also the scene of the most important events in the city, such as the feast of the patron saint St. John, New Year’s Eve and, above all, for the football victories of Porto . On nice days, stop for a drink or taste a local specialty in one of the terraces of the premises on Avenida dos Aliados, built in 1916. In the past, here were the lavadouros , the places where washerwomen gathered to do the laundry.

Today, here we can observe some of the most modern buildings that reflect the Art Nouveau style , built by large companies. Among the luxurious buildings, near this street we can also visit the Sao Bento station and the city hall in Praça do General Humberto Delgado . Following this long paved street we can walk discovering iconic monuments and buildings, immersing ourselves in the most modern atmosphere of the city, almost reminding us of Paris.

8. Sao Bento Station

Among the most fascinating places to see not only in Porto, but in the whole country, we find a train station . The Estação Ferroviária de Porto-São Bento is one of the most beautiful and important in Portugal, not only for its daily connections, but also for being relevant and interesting for tourists. In fact, inside it are preserved wonderful mosaics from the 9th century and, in the past, here was the convent of São Bento , of which we can still observe some remains, as well as perceive the melancholic atmosphere of saudade ; typical especially of this city.

After observing the stately façade , we enter its hall to admire the more than 20,000 tiles that make up the mosaics, telling in a unique way the history of the country in the azulejos style made by Jorge Colaço. An unparalleled example of Portuguese azulejo art, made in about 11 years, representing stories, such as the Conquest of Ceuta , and reproducing landscapes . In addition, from this station you can take a train that in a few minutes will take you to one of the nearby cellars, where you can taste a glass of Port .

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9. Livraria Lello & Irmão

Among the places to visit in Porto if you are a fan of the famous wizard Harry Potter and his film series, you cannot miss the Livraria Lello & Irmão. One of the most beautiful bookstores in the world , as well as the Portuguese setting of the films and the place where Harry went to buy the books he needed. Located in the historic center, in Rua das Carmelitas , this place enchants us from the first moment, observing its facade that perfectly combines the Art Nouveau style with the Neo-Gothic , with bright colors and images. Upon entering we would be immediately enveloped in its magical atmosphere , thanks to the large rooms and the red staircase , surrounded by books of all genres and in all languages.

Looking up, we notice its plaster ceiling , which perfectly reproduces the meticulously carved wood. This old bookshop dates back to 1869 , passing through the hands of many owners over the years, up to the Lello brothers and becoming a meeting point for intellectuals from all over the country. Today it attracts numerous tourists, becoming famous as the bookshop of Diagon Alley and inspiring Rowling for her books, who lived in this very city. To visit it you need to buy a ticket , which is converted into a discount if you buy a book. Inside it often hosts conferences and presentations, in collaboration with various publishers’ associations .

10. Serralves Foundation

Serralves Foundation (Porto)

While visiting Porto, lovers of art and culture cannot miss the Serralves Foundation, an institution that deals with culture at a European level . The purpose of the foundation is to promote contemporary artistic styles in the country. In addition, this place also hosts beautiful gardens , where you can walk among fountains and observe its modern architecture . Inside the foundation complex, in addition to the museum of contemporary art , there is also the Casa del Cinema Manoel de Oliveira and the house of Serralves . The collection of the art museum has been gathering important works since 1999 , temporary and permanent exhibitions of local and international artists.

The gardens of the foundation cover over 18 hectares , surrounding all the buildings of the foundation and enclosing them in a single complex. To visit them in the best way, it is also possible to follow various routes, which will take us to the points of interest of the place. Outdoors during the summer, but not only, there are music festivals and numerous events organized by the foundation. This place is located just outside the historic center, in the Foz neighborhood , and is an unmissable place for art lovers or for those who want to take a break by visiting its green area.

Travel tips for visiting Porto

As we have seen in the guide things to do in porto, this beautiful Portuguese city has a rich past and historic buildings that combine with the most avant-garde ones, creating a unique atmosphere immersed in saudade . The most iconic places to visit in the city are located in the historic Ribeira district , famous for its many steep climbs and descents. For this reason, we recommend wearing comfortable shoes . Also, do not miss a food and wine tour among the cellars of the Douro Valley, where the famous local wine is produced.

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